Workflow action: Set job position to a user

This workflow action allows you to set the occupant of a job position.

You will see two options:

  1. Job position: Here you will choose the job position you wish to set. You will be able to choose from all active job positions on this workflow system.
  2. User: Here you will select a user to enter into the position. Options will be current user and a list of all your users.

The current user option refers to the member of staff that triggered the workflow action, this includes by literally pushing a progress button on a job card and for those workflow actions on the job creation step, manually creating a job.

A couple of example uses of this setting would be as follows:

  1. Users create a manual initiation (aka ad-hoc) job such as 'Missed phone call'. You wish to record who created the job in a position such as 'Call taken by' so that you can later refer to this person in an e-mail template that you will send to the user the phone call was for. That way they can speak to them if they need more info.
  2. On a workflow route where a position is always occupied by the same user you can put them in that position using this workflow action, if you have no other reason to need a job field to represent the position then you can avoid having one.

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