How do the partner/manager job positions work.

Whilst you can create as many client-level staff fields as you like all Glide systems will have a field called manager and a field called partner. In the future, we plan to allow the names to be changed and the fields to be hidden but for now, they have these names on all Glide systems and are always visible on the client record.

We have used the certain knowledge that these fields definitely exist to pre-configure all Glide systems to work in a certain way in relation to these fields, the intention being that these settings will suit many users thus reducing the need for configuration efforts in many cases. The general assumption is that in most firms there will be one or perhaps two staff members who manage an overall client relationship and are therefore interested in seeing all job information about these clients regardless of which workflow it is (i.e. being linked to all jobs). Whilst the terms manager and partner may or may not be used this philosophy of owning a client relationship is quite popular and is the reason for these settings. Of course, not all firms work like this and do not fear the settings can easily be disabled and the Glide system set up differently.

We have summarised below how the fields work and how you can deactivate these default settings should you wish to utilise these fields differently or indeed not at all.

How they work:

  • The partner and manager fields are optional fields on the new client screens, i.e. they appear but do not have to be completed.
  • The new client screen dropdowns will only include users that have a partner/manager role.
  • The fields then appear on the summary page of the client card.
  • Various reports include filters for the partner and manager such as the clients' report, various Glide time reports etc.
  • On all workflow systems, the client-level partner field will automatically link to the job position in Slot 1 which defaults to being called Partner and likewise, the client-level manager field will automatically link to the job position in Slot 2 which defaults to being called Manager.
    • This means that the client partner will automatically be the job partner on all jobs for all workflow systems unless you deactivate this (see note 1) and the client manager will always be the job manager again unless deactivated.
    • By occupying these positions the client partner/manager will automatically be linked to the job meaning they can use the linked filter setting on widgets to see only jobs relating to their client portfolio (and other jobs if they are linked through other positions too).
    • Also as a result of occupying the positions the partner/manager can also be automatically set as the job holder at any point in the workflow route by setting the job holder to the partner/manager job positions, follow this guidance to do this. You can also use these job positions in other workflow actions such as sending internal reminders/update e-mails.

This means that you can have up to 2 positions to link users to all of a clients jobs up and running automatically without needing to configure any other positions. If you do not want this to happen then follow note 1 below.

Note 1 -> Deactivating the automatic settings:

If you do not plan to use the partner or manager client fields then there is no need to deactivate the links to the workflow systems, just leave the client fields blank and they will have no impact upon the use of the system by any user. You will not be able to use the partner/manager filters on the various standard reports.

If you plan to use the partner and manager fields but do not want them to automatically link to all workflow systems then on each workflow system that you do not want them to link to follow the steps below. This would be useful where for example partners are interested in all workflows except say payroll. By deactivating the automatic link on payroll they will cease to see payroll jobs in any widgets that are including all jobs and set to linked filter.

  1. Note - you need to be a superuser to do this.
  2. Click on the Config menu.
  3. Click on Edit workflow systems.
  4. Drill into the workflow system you wish to deactivate the parter and/or automatic linking on by using the pencil icon to the right of the system name.
  5. On the summary tab click on the pencil icon at the bottom to fully open up the options.
  6. Scroll down until you see slot 1 for partner linking and slot 2 for manager linking. Set the position(s) to Not active.
  7. Click save.

This will prevent the partner/manager from automatically linking to the job positions on creation of new jobs.

If you have existing jobs with partners or managers in the positions and wish to de-link these follow the steps below.

  1. Again you need to be a superuser.
  2. Click on the Workflows menu.
  3. Click on the [System name] Jobs report for the appropriate system.
  4. Click on Reset filters to ensure you are seeing all active jobs.
  5. Scroll down until you see Bulk staff allocation operations, you may need to click the green show button if they are hidden.
  6. In the Select operation dropdown choose Set partner to or Set manager to as required remembering you may have renamed your positions to something else.
  7. In the set to dropdown choose Nobody this is to delete the current occupant from the position.
  8. You can leave the Where filter as Anybody / All.
  9. Click Execute and Glide will inform you of the number of jobs that will be updated. Click OK if you are happy to proceed.

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