How to add a new job position.

This article shows you how to add ('activate') a job position on a workflow system. If you are not sure what a job position is then please first read the article ' What is a job position?'.

This is also explained on this video:

In this article we cover activating a job position and creating a job field for the position. 99% of the time you will want a job field for your job position for the reasons suggested below.

Step 1 -> Activating a job position

  1. Firstly note you need to be a superuser to do this.
  2. Click on the config menu.
  3. Click on edit workflow systems.
  4. Drill into whichever workflow system you wish to activate a position on using the pencil icon.
  5. Click on the green button labelled Edit system settings to open the full options.
  6. At the bottom of the pop up you shall see the 16 available positions names 'Slot 1', 'Slot 2' etc. Choose one remembering that slots 1 (Partner) and 2 (Manager) behave slightly differently to the rest, we recommend you use a different slot for activating a new position. Enter the name of your new position in the name field.
  7. Change the setting to anything other than 'Not active'. Optional v compulsory currently do not impact the system, this will be relevant to our next generation new client screen in the future. The 'Filter' and 'Filter + Sheet' choices do have an impact. If you choose 'Filter'  then on the jobs report for this workflow system (Workflow menu) you shall see a filter for this position in the primary filters section. If you choose 'Filter + sheet' then you shall see both the filter and also a column in the results area will show the initials of the current occupant of the position.
  8. Click save to save these settings.

Now your position is active. You will see the label has appeared on all of the job cards for this workflow system in the top left corner. You can put users into your new position using the 'Set job position to a user' workflow action; however, it is far better to complete step 2 (below). This will then allow users to occupy positions automatically via the initial value setting and also by being selected in a drop down field on the job card.

Step 2 -> Create a job field

  1. Whilst still in the workflow editor click on the workflow elements tab.
  2. Scroll down to Custom job fields.
  3. Click to create a new field and choose the field type Job position.
  4. Enter the following information in the pop up:
    1. Name the name here is shown on the dropdown box on the job card should you choose to have it visible. It allows you to differentiate from the position name though there is rarely reason to do so.
    2. Initial value this allows you to have the job position automatically populated on creation of a job. You can choose from any client level staff field including both the Partner and Manager fields that exist in all Glide systems as well as any custom staff fields you have created. Note that the client staff field does not need to exist on the same workflow system and one client level staff field can set the initial value for multiple job positions on any number of workflow systems. In addition where an initial value is set, should a change be made to the client staff field either in the Glide system or via the Excel import tool, then the linked job position will also be updated on all active jobs.
    3. Visibility (card) We cover advanced uses of visibility by job state in other articles. For the purpose of this tutorial  you would either leave it as All (meaning the drop down box is visible on all job cards) or you would set it to Totally hidden where you do not want to see a drop down on the job card. The latter setting would be appropriate if you expect the position to be automatically populated via the initial value and that you would never need to change this on the job card itself (bearing in mind it can be changed at client level which will update all active jobs).
    4. Job staff link this is where you choose which piece of data is going to be shown and controlled through this field. For our example you will choose whichever position you activated in step 1 (above). It should be named exactly how you named it.
    5. Order controls the order in which this drop down box is shown on the job card relative to other job fields. A field with a bigger order value will be shown below a field with a lower order value.
  5. Click save
  6. The new job field will automatically be added to your workflow routes.

Your job position is now up and running. If you already have existing jobs and wish to populate the job position on those jobs you have 2 choices.

  1. If you have the initial value set to equal a client field and you have yet to populate this client field then populate the client field, either individually or in bulk using the Excel import tool, this will also update your active jobs.
  2. If you do not have an initial value or if the initial value is a field that is already populated then populate the job fields using the bulk operation tool.
  3. If neither of the above are suitable and you need help here send a message to the Glide team!

Note 1 -> Multiple sub-systems

The 16 job positions are per workflow system, that is to say they are shared by the sub-systems where your workflow system has more than one sub-system. When choosing the sub-system to show the drop down field under we would recommend choosing the sub-system that is most likely to be active (so that you can see it).

You are able to have multiple job position fields linked to the same job position (i.e. the same setting in Job staff link), you may wish to have a field on each sub-system showing the Preparer for example. Please bear in mind that each of these is displaying/updating the same underlying field so changes to one will effect the other. This could be useful where you do not know which sub-system will be active on certain clients and want to be sure there is a drop down visible somewhere.

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