New Automation Checklist (Internal Email)

Starting point: 👋

This is the initial starting point for setting up internal emails from the Glide system. If you have already completed these steps then go straight to step 3.

Step 1 Global Settings: Ensure you have given consideration to your global email settings. Further info
Step 2 Mail Server: Give consideration to which mail server will send your emails. By default this will be Glide (SendGrid). If you are using this option and setting the from address to your domain, then you'll need to contact Glide to set up domain authentication. Further info

Create an email template:

The next thing you would need to do is to create an email template.

Step 3 Create an email template: Ensure you have a template set up. This is where you construct the message and often includes merging in client and/or job data. Further info
Step 4 Decide whether to send or queue: Consider whether an email should be sent immediately or queued for manual review. Typically, internal messages can be set to send immediately. Further info
Step 5

Template-specific sending rules: Consider whether this template needs a specific rule to set any of the 'from name', 'from address' or signature in a way that is different to your global defaults. This can include dynamic settings such as sending from the preparer etc.

For internal messages, we recommend using the global defaults unless you need a specific reply to address (such as the preparer/manager etc).

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Consider who the internal recipients are:

For internal email automation, this will either be a specific person or the occupant of a job position, e.g. the job preparer. Note that you'll actually enter this setting when you create the alert or action, which is covered in the section below.

Step 6 How to set the recipient(s) of an automated e-mail or SMS message: You have two options for sending emails internally which are to a specific Glide user or the current occupant of a job position. This is option 3 or 4 on the guide we link to. Further info

Configure the automation:

Only when you create the action or alert will your messages start to be generated. Please remember that both actions and alerts are route-specific. If you have a workflow system with multiple routes, you would need to add the action or alert to all relevant routes.

Messages sent by actions and alerts would immediately apply to all existing jobs. Actions would be run when the appropriate button is pressed. Alerts are generated by Glide at around 08:30 UTC each day.

Option 1

Use an alert: Alerts are great where the timing of the message can be pre-determined by reference to dates on the job card. This can include the job date, a deadline, a stage actual date or a stage target date.

In relation to internal messages, this is the suitable mechanism for reminding team members that they have something to do. This might be X days after they get a job or before a deadline or target date.

Using an alert can help to reduce the volume of messages sent internally because you can send only for exceptions (approaching or overdue jobs) as opposed to sending on all jobs.

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Option 2

Use a workflow action: Actions are great for situation where you want the generation of the message to coincide with a blue progress button being clicked on the job.

In relation to internal messages, this is the suitable mechanism to send a message when a user is given a job to do.

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