Email/SMS global settings: Mail server

In relation to the email messages generated by Glide, you have 3 choices of Mail Server. This setting controls which server will send the message and is therefore a different concept to who the message comes from. You can determine this via the global settings and can also vary it for specific templates. Regardless of which mail server setting you choose, so longer as it is correctly configured, then the messages will appear to recipients no differently to those messages you send from your normal email system.

To access the mail server settings, please follow these steps:

  • Click on the menu labelled with your business name.
  • Click on the Messaging Centre link.
  • Click on the Options tab.
  • Click on the Set up custom email server preferences link. This is on the left hand side of the screen, within the email settings section.

Option 1: Glide's Default Email Server (SendGrid)

The default setting, which is used by a significant majority of our users, uses SendGrid as the mail server. SendGrid specialises in ensuring the reliable delivery of the transactional style emails sent by Glide. With this setting, you can very easily send messages from multiple domains and multiple senders on each domain. With this setting, it is critical to ensure you contact Glide to setup domain authentication. You can read about this here.

Option 2: Custom Email Server Configuration

This setting allows you to enter SMTP credentials and Glide will act as an SMTP relay service. The server actually sending the message will be your own mail server. This can be beneficial where you have other services linked to your mail server such as auto-filing.

Taking the example of entering credentials for Exchange 365, if you enter credentials for a specific user, then you would be restricetd to sending messages that come from that user or another mailbox that they have permission to access. This restriction can be avoided by using a Mail Connector, which gives Glide the permission to send as any user. Here is a link to how this works within Glide.

Please note that if your domain has a DMARC policy, then you would still need to authenticate Glide to send on your behalf, in order for the SMTP relay to be accepted as a DMARC pass.

Option 3: Web Hooks for Email

Finally, you can opt to trigger a webhook each time a message is generated. This offers a high level of customisation for the handling of outbound emails. This choice is popular with customers that have the benefit of the IT expertise to consume the webhook content and to integrate with the email application of their choice.

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