What is a pool screen?

The Pool screen is an optional screen you can activate on a workflow system by system basis. When activated the Pool screen is visible in the workflows menu just below the jobs report for the same system.

The pool screen lists any jobs that are held by the pool (i.e. where the current job holder is the pool). You can configure your workflows such that a job is set to be held by the pool when any step is run, so this can be on job creation or whenever a progress button is pressed.

The pool screen lists jobs in the order they arrived into the pool, it will also show the current stage description, the manager and the next target date. Below each job the screen will also display any comments that have been made on the job.

To the right of each job there are 2 options, Take and View. The View button will navigate to the job card. The Take button runs a special workflow step, typically used to set the user pressing the button to be the preparer (or a similar job position) and also the current job holder. You can read about how to configure this special step here.

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