Widget - Progress monitor
The progress monitor widget is one of the most important in the Glide system and comes in various versions. We thoroughly recommend you have several of these live on dashboards to make the best use of the system.
The progress monitor widgets relate to a specific workflow system and list the stages in the system, in ascending stage order. Alongside each stage is a number which shows the number of jobs that are on that stage. You can click on any number and the system will link to the jobs list and filter the list to show these jobs.
Your jobs create automatically (for recurring workflow systems) at which point they will appear on this widget and they will only disappear once they have been fully completed, i.e. someone has clicked through all the stages. This widget therefore offers a good control and helps users to proactively review jobs as soon as they appear so they can be processed as early as possible, helping to improve turnaround time. It avoids focusing on deadlines and should be used in conjunction with the upcoming targets widgets to give two perspectives on upcoming jobs.
All progress monitor widgets have the i filter (top right corner) which can be used to filter the results, read about the options here.
You'll see various progress monitor options in the widgets list, explained below:
- On a trigger workflow system there will be a minimum of 4 options. You can choose by stage or by group and each of those can be shown as a table or graph.
- By stage will list the stages of the workflow.
- By group will list the groups of stages of the workflow - sometimes preferred to give a 'big picture' overview of a long workflow.
- A table is most often the best way to view this data.
- A graph (pie chart) can be useful for tax year systems as all jobs create on the same day each year and you can see the progression in the pie chart. Typically you would also have a table on your dashboard as you can see the job numbers without hovering.
- As noted above if you have more than one sub-system then you will have all of the above options for each sub-system.
- If you have multiple route variations then you will have both an overall widget as well as a widget dedicated to each route.
- For tax year workflow systems you will have a widget dedicated to each tax year, these include the completion stage and show the % of jobs at each stage.