How to add a new stage to a workflow.

Follow the steps below to add a new job stage to an existing workflow. If you have multiple routes in your workflow system then remember you would need to add the stage in each individually.

Once added you will have a new job stage, one step will have been adjusted to go to your new stage and you'll have at least one step going from your new stage. This allows jobs to flow into and away from your stage, any changes you make to your workflow route configuration will be instantly reflected on your active jobs.

This is also covered in this video:

  1. Firstly note that you need to be a superuser to configure workflows.
  2. Click on the Config menu.
  3. Click on Edit workflow systems.
  4. Drill into the appropriate workflow system by clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the system name.
  5. Click on the Routes tab.
  6. Choose the route you wish to update in the Select workflow route dropdown.
  7. Scroll down to the Visual editor and find the step (these are the grey rectangles) that will go to your new stage, click on the pencil icon to edit this step. I.e. when a user clicks this progress button on a job card you would like the job to progress to your new stage. If this new stage is to be the very first stage the job progresses to when created then you would edit the Creation step.
  8. Change the To stage to Create new stage, settings for your new stage will appear below as follows:
  9. Enter the following:
    1. Milestone achieved holds the description of what happened when you complete the stage, so it is typically in the past tense for example Job reviewed.
    2. Stage description holds the description of the current stage of the job whilst it is at this stage. Following the example above (job reviewed) the equivalent stage description would be something like Awaiting review or To review job.
    3. In New stage display order select the position your new stage will occupy, and the system will calculate the suitable stage order value.
    4. Click Save.
  10. The visual editor will refresh and you'll see a blue rectangle for your new stage with the step you edited leading into the new stage. Currently, there is no step to take jobs away from this stage so click the + icon on the stage to add a new step going from this stage. Enter settings as follows:
    1. Progress button name is the text you will see on your job card in the progress button. It should describe exactly what has just happened, for example, 'Job reviewed'. If you plan to have multiple progress buttons then you can add more detail to differentiate the buttons and to give an indication of what the button does. For example, you may have two buttons; 'Job reviewed - back to preparer' and 'Job reviewed - approved for client'. In this case, the extra detail helps the user click the correct button. This is limited to 40 characters.
    2. Description is allowed to be up to 250 characters so you can go into more detail and provide extra guidance. When a user hovers over a progress button they will see the description in a tool tip.
    3. The From stage will have defaulted to your new stage.
    4. In the To stage box choose the stage you wish the job to be moved to when this button is pressed.
    5. Click Save.
  11. You now have a complete workflow route that incorporates your new stage. You can of course set up as many progress buttons as you like that go both to and from your new stage as well as buttons that loop on the new stage, e.g. to record multiple attempts to chase information etc.

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