What is a milestone achieved?

Every stage has a milestone achieved property.

The milestone achieved describes what has happened when a stage is completed, it is typically stated in the past tense for example Job reviewed.

The job card will list the milestone achieved for every stage on the job card (point 1 in the image below), by default this is listed down the left side of the job card; however, you can configure the positioning (left or right) and where you have > 1 sub-system the second and other sub-systems stages will be listed below or on the other side of the job card.

When setting your milestone achieved text remember that an actual date will be marked alongside the text every time a progress button is pressed on that stage (unless you use the Don't leave a trace workflow action), these dates are shown at point 2 on the image below. This means that in scenarios where you have more than one progress button on a stage, for example on the stage 'Awaiting books and records' you may have a button called 'Books chased' that loops on that stage and a button 'Books received' that moves onto the next stage, you would want the milestone description to describe both, in this example suitable text would be 'Books and records chased/received'. Where more than one actual date exists against a single stage the number of logs is shown in brackets and users can drill into the logs to see which button was pressed and when. This is demonstrated at point 3 on the image below.

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