Widget - Jobs held

The jobs held widgets list active jobs where you are the current job holder. Some also list jobs which are held by a team in which you are a member.

The jobs held widgets show the following information:

  • Client: Being the client name, hyperlinked to the client card.
  • System: Being the name of the workflow system the job is in. hyperlinked to the jobs report for that workflow system.
  • Job: Being the job date, hyperlinked to the job card.
  • Stage: Being the stage description for the current stage of the job.
  • Next target: Being the next target date and the milestone text for the stage on which this target date is found.

The results are ordered by the next target date, where there is no target date the jobs are ordered by job date.

There are various versions of the jobs held widget, including:

  • Jobs held: This is the original widget and it lists all jobs that you are holding, across all workflow systems. Jobs will only be filtered out based on the min/max stage order visibility setting and when they are complete.
  • Jobs held with a target: This is exactly as above except it only reports on jobs that have a next target date.
  • Jobs held (+ team jobs) / Jobs held with a target (+ team jobs): The + team jobs versions of the above 2 widgets include jobs that are held by a team (literally the team, not a fellow team member) in which you are a team member. Whenever you are setting your jobs to be held by a team, the team members that will be completing those stages should always have this version on a dashboard.
  • Jobs held as [Sub-system name] holder: This is as per the jobs held widget except in that it is focused on a particular workflow system and will only report jobs from that system. You have a widget option for every workflow system you have setup. If a workflow system has multiple sub-systems then you will have one widget option for each sub-system.

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