How to change which route a client uses.

All workflow systems automatically have 1 route variation, this is the minimum required; however, you can create more route variations by following the guidance here. Reasons why you may find this a good idea are discussed here. Once you have done this you shall need to tell the Glide system which route each client should use except this is not necessary for clients using the default route, explained below.

You can change the route setting for a client individually on the client card or in bulk using the Excel import tool. When creating new clients you will be asked to confirm the route selection on the new client screen.

Client card:

  1. Navigate to the client card by clicking on the client name wherever you see it or by using the search bar.
  2. Click on the appropriate tab for the workflow system you are interested in. This will be highlighted green or red because the concept of a client being allocated to a route applies only to recurring workflow systems. Manual initiation workflow systems allow you to choose the route when creating each job.
  3. Where you have a multiple sub-system workflow system you will have a default route setting for any sub-systems with > 1 route variation.
  4. You will see a setting to the right of the system active setting called Default route. By default this will show whatever your current default route is in non bold text. To select a different route click on the pencil icon and select a new route, then click save. See the note below about using the default setting v a specific setting.
  5. Any future jobs created for this client on this workflow system will now be on this route.

Excel import tool:

For any recurring workflow systems that have > 1 route variation the Excel import template shall contain a column for you to set the route for each client. Follow these steps to set this for existing clients. If you are importing new clients via the Excel import tool then you essentially do the same but would want to consult the main guidance note for Import tool to ensure you use it correctly.

  1. Note you need to be a superuser to use the Excel import tool.
  2. Click on the Config menu.
  3. Click on Import clients.
  4. Click on the Download spreadsheet link for spreadsheet with data.
  5. Find the downloaded file on your device and open it.
  6. It will contain all of your Glide data. You need to retain the UniqueID in column A because this is how the Glide system knows to update the correct client, if a new UniqueID was detected the system would create a new client. You can delete all other data in the spreadsheet (crucially just the data, leave all columns intact along with their headers) e.g. the client name, type and all other fields can be deleted. Likewise you can delete the entire row of any clients you do not wish to update. It may be useful to delete the data at the end of the process before importing, for example it may be useful to see which clients are active on the workflow that you are setting the route for.
    1. Note - deleting unnecessary data is not mandatory but it is recommended. The risk you mitigate is that your data could evolve after you download the sheet and before you re-import it, for example a user might force create a job causing the trigger date to roll forward. If you then reimported the old data you would roll the trigger date back. At best you'll end up with duplicate jobs but depending on the timescale you may also end up with a historic auto creation date in the trigger field.
  7. Find the workflow system you are setting the route for. There should be two green column headers, the first one sets whether the system is active on this client or not. A 1 indicated it is active, a 0 indicated it is not active and a blank value indicated the client is using the default setting. The second green header is to record which route variation this client should use.
  8. Here you need to enter the code for the route this client should use. To find your route codes click on the Config menu and then Database codes summary at the very bottom of this page you will see a list of your routes with their code. Enter the appropriate code. You can leave the field blank if the client uses the default route.
  9. Save the file somewhere on your device.
  10. Back on the Import clients screen click on the button I have completed the spreadsheet. Continue to next step.
  11. Click on Select completed spreadsheet and find the saved sheet in the file explorer. Click open.
  12. The system will create a preview of the import. Check the number of clients that will be created and updated, if you are only updating exists clients then there should be no clients being created, if there are cancel and check your UniqueIDs. The preview will show the standard fields such as name even if you deleted them, scroll to the right to find your routes data and check it all appears as expected.
  13. Scroll to the bottom and click on Confirm spreadsheet import.

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