How to change the order of stages

Suppose you have two stages in an existing workflow and you wish to change the order, this will involve 2 steps. You need to change the order value of the stages, the system will then present the stages in a different order on the job card. In addition you need to change the progress buttons so that the jobs flow correctly,  this needs to be done on any routes you wish to update. It does not matter which order you change these in and we cover both in detail below.

Note: The specific order of route changes suggested below (point 2) will mean you can make these changes without breaking a workflow. If you are able to make these changes when no one is using the system then of course you can complete the steps in any order.

  1. Firstly you should consider whether you need to change the current stage of any jobs, this is typically necessary where you are moving a stage further down the workflow (i.e. to a higher order value). Jobs on this stage may first need to be manually moved onto the 'next' stage to avoid missing that stage any others that the stage you are moving will 'overtake'. This would happen if you left them on the current stage as they would essentially move with the stage. Where you are moving a stage up the workflow (lower order value) this may be less important as the only risk is that jobs, if left on the current (moving) stage, would need to pass through a stage(s) twice.
  2. These 3 steps need to be repeated for any route you wish to change. The example stages link in with the image below where we wish to move Stage B to be after Stage C.
    1. Firstly find any progress buttons that you ultimately want to progress to the stage you are moving and edit these progress buttons so that they go to the stage you are moving. In our example we are moving Stage B and will want Button 3 to go to Stage B. This will temporarily create a loop, we are swapping stage B -> C to become C -> B and we now have buttons going from B to C and then back from C to B, we rectify this in step c below.
    2. Next find any progress buttons that currently progress to the stage you are moving. These will need to be changed to instead go to the new next stage. In our example this is Button 1, this historically goes to Stage B but in the future this will need to go to Stage C.
    3. Finally find any progress buttons that go from the stage you are moving. These will need to be updated to progress to the correct stage. In our example this is Button 2, this historically goes to Stage C but will now go to Stage D.
  3. Finally change the order value of the stages so that they are presented in the correct order on the job card. Remember to keep an eye on the group allocations as the groups are the primary way in which stages are ordered on a job card.

This image might help with visualising the changes:

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