Restrict who can click a progress button

Generally speaking, we find it is a good idea to allow any user to click any progress button. This ensures the system is up to date even when a colleague is asked to progress a job on behalf of a colleague who may be busy, etc.

That said, there are some situations where you may wish to restrict who can click certain progress buttons, this might include:

  • An especially important step, e.g. the final step in a workflow.
  • A step that bypasses others. For example, you might have a 'Job completed' stage that goes for a review but also a 'Job completed by manager' button that bypasses the review. We would only want the latter button to be visible to managers.
  • An optional button that is designed to be the exception to the rule. For example, on a stage such as 'Awaiting payment' (before work begins) you might have a button 'Director authority for work to start' which allows work to start even though payment has not been made.

You can restrict each individual step/button as you see fit by following these steps:

  • Click on the Config meu (superuser access required).
  • Click on the Edit workflow systems link.
  • Drill into the appropriate workflow system via the pencil icon to the right.
  • Ensure you are viewing the flow diagram for the appropriate route, find the step (grey hexagon) you wish to edit and click on the pencil icon.
  • Click into the Visibiity by user dropdown and choose one of the following restrictions:
    • Only partner - this setting would mean the button is only visible to the job partner (specifically, the current occupant of job position slot 1).
    • Only manager - this setting would mean the button is only visible to the job manager (specifically, the current occupant of job position slot 2).
    • Only partner or manager - this setting would mean the button is only visible to the job partner or manager (specifically, the current occupant of job positions slots 1 or 2).
    • Anyone from team [team name] - this setting would mean the button is only visible to members of the team you select. This option is likely to give the most flexibility as you can populate a team with any list of users.

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