Can I re-open a completed job?

Whilst a job is active you can roll-back any accidentally taken stages using the undo button however this is not available once the job is complete.

To re-open a complete job follow these steps:

  1. Firstly note you need to be either a manager/partner role or a superuser to do this.
  2. On the job card click on the edit job button which is towards the top right corner of the screen.
  3. The edit job area will open. The very top row has the job date and just below this you will see a row for each sub-system. To the right it will show the current stage and there will be a pencil icon. Click on the pencil icon to edit the current stage.
  4. You can change the stage to any stage that exists on the workflow route. We would recommend changing to the final stage and then using the undo button to roll the job back further if required. This is because the undo button will also remove the associated actual date from the audit log on the job. You can also delete the actual date logs from within the edit job area.
  5. Once selected click confirm to save the change.
  6. Scroll down a little and click finished editing to close the edit job area.

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