How to create new custom client fields.

You can create custom client fields to store information about your clients, for each field you create the system can hold one piece of information about each client. If you need to store one piece of information for each job then you should instead create a job field.

Where you go to create a new field depends upon where you would like to see the field. 

If you would like to see the field on the summary tab of the client card then you need to follow these steps:

  1. Firstly note you need to be a superuser to configure client fields.
  2. Click on the config menu.
  3. Click on Edit additional clients fields.
  4. Choose a field type (see notes below) and click on the appropriate Create new field button then follow the steps below.

If you would like to see the field on one of the tabs on the client card that is related to a workflow system, e.g. to add a field onto the Accounts & CT tab (would appear under the Accounts & CT information fields area)  then it is slightly different:

  1. Click on the config menu.
  2. Click on Edit workflow systems.
  3. Drill into the appropriate workflow system using the pencil icon.
  4. Click on the Custom client fields tab.
  5. Choose a field type (see notes below) and click on the appropriate Create new field button then follow the steps below.

Depending upon the field type you create you will see some of the following options:

  1. Name is the name as it will appear on the client card.
  2. Visibility (Type) allows you to filter down the field to only appear on individuals, organisations or contacts.
  3. Default allows you to set a default value which will apply to all clients unless a different value is entered. The choices depend upon the field type.
  4. Data store tag allows you to tag certain fields as having particular relevance to certain reports or functions with Glide, e.g. E-mail 1 is the field that will be used to send an e-mail where you choose to target 'Basic client search'.
  5. Order controls the order in which this field is shown on the client card relative to other client fields. A field with a bigger order value will be shown below a field with a lower order value. On the client card when viewed on a desktop the client fields will show across two columns.

The field types include the following options:

Date This will allow you to store dates, for example date of birth.
Number This allows you to store numeric values only. These are in whole numbers. If you plan to export your data from time to time to excel and use this field as the basis for calculations then number would be a good choice, e.g. number of directors. If it is possible that your ‘number’ may at some point require the introduction of letters then you would be better suited by using a string data type. Generally speaking if your number contains only numbers but you never have any intention of using it as the basis for mathematical calculations then you be better suited using a string data type. You would not store phone numbers as a number because computers will remove the leading 0, instead use a string (short).
Currency This is for financial data such as an expected fee. This can hold numbers to two decimal places.
Boolean The Boolean data type allows you to record values of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, for example does this client require Corporation Tax returns?
Text (Short [20 chars]) This is ideal for codes such as the UTR and VAT registration number. The short string data type can appear in the jobs grid report as both a filter and/or a column.
Text (Long) The long version is unlimited in size, however, it can not appear in the jobs grid report as either a filter or a column.
Text (Long/formatted) The formatted text type can store formatting such as tables, links, bullet lists etc. It is really useful for merging client specific content into message templates. It can not appear in the jobs grid report as either a filter or a column.
E-mail address The e-mail address data type allows you to store e-mail addresses, if clicked on from within the application Glide will launch the computers default mail program and start an e-mail to that person.
Website The website data type allows you to store website addresses, if clicked on from within the application Glide will launch a new browser tab and navigate to the website.
Staff The staff data type allows you to select a uses initials to be recorded against the client for example you might set up a field called ‘VAT manager’.
Multiple choice The multiple choice data type allows you to create an unlimited number of options. You can then select the relevant option for each client.

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