Can I add job types to an ad-hoc workflow system?

Ad-hoc workflow systems are those where jobs are created either:

  • Manually by a user clicking the blue buttons on the relevant client card tab.
  • By a workflow action on another job, or
  • By the Glide API.

Crucially, jobs are not being created automatically be reference to a trigger date on the client card.

Glide's template workflows called 'Ad-hoc', 'Tax registrations' and 'Tax authorisations' are all examples of ad-hoc workflows, and each of these contains more than one route, which essentially provides for different job types to exist within the workflow system.

An example is displayed below, the tax registrations workflow system has 7 routes and so you have 7 buttons to create different jobs on the client card:

The question this article is answering is, 'How do I add more job types here?'.

This is answered in the video below and the steps are outlined below the video too.

To add a new route to an ad-hoc workflow follow these steps:

  • Click on the Config menu (superuser access required).
  • Click on the Edit workflow systems link.
  • Drill into the relevant workflow system by clicking on the pencil icon.
  • The routes tab will load up. To create a new route either click the green Create new route button or duplicate an existing route. The latter is easier but requires an existing route that is similar to the new one.
  • To duplicate an existing route, first find the route that is most similar to your new route. You can toggle through your existing routes by clicking in the dropdown box called Select workflow route. Then click on the red Duplicate button.
  • When you are viewing your duplicated route, we recommend changing the name to something relevant using the white pencil icon which is to the left of the duplicate button.
  • You will now have a new route which can be created from the client cards.

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