How to configure the yellow and amber traffic light parameters.

By default, jobs will enter the different traffic lights when they have any incomplete deadline due within 60 days (yellow), 14 days (orange) and overdue (red); however, you can tailor this on a deadline-by-deadline basis.

To do so, please follow these steps:

  • Click on the Config menu (you need to be a superuser to do this).
  • Click on the Edit workflow systems link.
  • Drill into the relevant workflow system by clicking on the pencil icon.
  • Click on the Elements tab for the relevant sub-system. If your workflow has one sub-system, then there will only be one Elements tab.
  • Scroll down to find the list of deadlines.
  • Click the pencil icon to edit the relevant deadline.
  • Scroll down to the Traffic lights options, highlighted by the red box below.
  • Enter a value in the Approaching box to configure when jobs enter the yellow traffic light.
  • Enter a value in the Urgent box to configure when jobs enter the amber traffic light.
  • Click Save to save the changes.

The traffic light status of all active jobs is recalculated overnight, so from the next day, your traffic lights will reflect the change in full. If you progress a job (or make similar changes) then the traffic light status for that job will be updated immediately.

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