Workflow action: Set job control state

This workflow action allows you to update the job control state for the job when a step is taken. You can also update the control state for any other sub-job on the same job card.

The control state of a job defaults to 0 and can be changed to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.

The benefit of changing control state is that all stages and progress buttons have visibility settings so that you can make them invisible based upon the current control state.

For example early on in a workflow you may have two progress buttons on the stage To request records, one called Records requested and one called Info held internally. On the latter you might set the job's control state to 1 meaning that jobs that have records to return have the default state of 0 and those with no records to return have a control state of 1. You can then use this to show or hide stages and progress buttons later on in the workflow accordingly. For example on the stage To finalise job you might have two progress buttons both called Job finalised; however, one goes to a stage called To return records and one finalises the job. The progress button that goes to To return records would only be visible where the job control state is 0 as would the stage To return records.

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