How to change job card layout and colour.

You can influence the layout, colour and order of each sub-system to effect the presentation of the job card.

There are two separate components that can be moved, the boxes containing the list of stages/fields with actual and target dates and the boxes containing the progress button and deadlines. You can place these two components on either the left or the right of the screen. To change this follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Config menu (Superuser access required).
  2. Click on Edit workflow systems.
  3. Drill into the appropriate workflow system by clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the name.
  4. Click on the Sub-systems tab.
  5. You can control these settings for each sub-system, click on the pencil icon to edit the relevant sub-system.
  6. Change the Stage bar position to influence the side of the screen that the list of stages/fields (actual and target dates etc).
  7. Change the Stage bar colour to influence the colour of this component.
  8. Change the Deadlines bar position to influence the side of the screen that the current stage, progress buttons and list of deadlines appears on. 
  9. Change the Deadlines bar colour to influence the colour of this component.
  10. Change the Order value to influence the order in which these components are added to the screen (only relevant where you have multiple sub-systems).

All of the deadlines bars are drawn on the screen before the stage bars, they are added in sub-system order.

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