Widget - Tasks for others

The Tasks for others widget lists tasks that you have assigned to others in the Glide system. Remember not to confuse tasks with jobs, tasks are very simply, ad-hoc reminders to do things. They are not the stages of your workflow systems.

The Tasks for others widget shows the following:

  • Stage: This will either be New, Read, In progress, Done (To verify), Completed or Rejected.
  • Assigned to: Shows the initials of the user that you assigned the task to.
  • Created: Shows the date the task was created.
  • Due: Shows the deadline set on the task.
  • To go: Shows the number of days remaining before the deadline.
  • Com: Shows the number of comments that have been added to the task.
  • View: Is a link to view the task page.

This widget is a list and so can be resized using the + and - icons, this allows you to make the list longer or shorter.

The Tasks for others widget contains buttons that allow you to create a new task or to link to your personal tasks list.

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