How to add a new user to your Glide system
Glide is a multi-user system and you can add as many users as you need to your system. To do so please follow these steps:
- Firstly please note that only a superuser can add users to the Glide system.
- Click on the menu labelled with your business name e.g. XYZ Accountants.
- Click on staff.
- Click on the blue Create New Glide User button at the centre bottom of the screen. You might need to scroll down a little. If you do not have any available user seats on your licence, please increase your user seats first (guidance here) in order to see this button.
- Enter the first name, surname, initials and e-mail address. Note that both initials and e-mail address need to be unique across the Glide system including departed and deleted users.
- Choose a role and clearance level. These concepts are explained in the knowledge base.
- Leave the status as Normal - you'll change this to departed should they leave the business.
The user will now exist in the Glide system.
Once you are ready to invite the user to log into the system, follow these steps:
- Click on the menu labelled with your business name e.g. XYZ Accountants.
- Click on staff.
- Find the staff member in the table and click on the orange Send activation e-mail button, you'll see this to the right of the user's e-mail address.
The staff member will be sent an e-mail inviting them to log into the system for the first time. It is important they click on the link in the e-mail. At this point they will be invited to create a password.