Manually link a single client to Xero

Ideally, all of your initial clients will be linked in bulk to the equivalent contact in Xero by one of our wizards, and future clients added to Glide will be created in Xero automatically. Despite the above, occasionally you might find a client that is not linked to the equivalent contact on Xero, you can manually link them by following the steps below.

  • Navigate to the relevant contact page on Xero.
  • Copy the contact's GUID (Globally unique identifier) which you'll see in the web address. See the example on the screen grab below. The GUID will consist of 32 characters and 4 dashes. Be careful not to copy anything else, such as slashes or questions marks.
  • Navigate to the client card in Glide and you'll see the grey Xero icon, towards the top right corner of the screen, which will have a cross through it to indicate the client is not currently linked to Xero.
  • Click on this icon and paste in the contact GUID from Xero. Your client will now be linked.
  • If you have invoices or credit notes in Glide, that now need to be pushed to Xero, then visit the billing summary which you'll find in the menu labelled with your organisation name. Click on the blue Xero button to the right of the appropriate row to send the invoice to Xero.

Example Xero Contact GUID:

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