How to set up automated colouring of Scheduler entries

To save time setting colours for your Scheduler entries you can instead set up automated colouring rules. These rules will colour the entry automatically based upon one of the following attributes:

  • The client partner.
  • The client manager.
  • The workflow system.
  • The non client activities (holiday, sickness and training).

Where an automated colour is set then this will be used instead of any manual colour previously selected.

To create an automated colouring rule, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Config menu (superuser access required).
  • Click on Scheduler settings.
  • Click on Create new rule.
  • Change the type to suit your requirements.
  • If you have chosen Client partner, Client manager or Workflow system in type - next make a selection in entity to the appropriate partner, manager or workflow system.
  • Set a colour. You can either create a colour in Glide by clicking on the dropdown to the right of the box or you can paste a Hex code into the text box.
  • Set an order of importance. This is only necessary where you might have more than one rule matching an entry, for example both a client manager rule and a workflow system rule. The rule with the higher order of importance would be used.
  • Click save.

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