What is CCH Connector and what does it do?

What is the CCH Connector?

The standing client data used by Glide is often held in an existing practice/tax system and our connectors provides a near real time (every 15 minutes) integration between the Practice/tax system and Glide.

The CCH connector allows for data to be created / updated within CCH and then replicated with Glide.

We recommend you host the connector on the machine that hosts your CCH database.

When a new client is created or an existing client is updated the triggers shall add an entry into the glideInt database. Every 15 minutes the connector will run one SQL select statement to read the rows created by the triggers since the last sync. Where records have been created or updated a separate SQL statement will then extract the new information from the CCH database which is passed to the Glide API. The connector will also look for new users and updates to existing users every time it runs.

The connector requires read only credentials to the CCH data, it does not seek to create or update clients or users in CCH.

What does it do?

The connector in its default configuration will integrate the information listed below, we have principally included the core data required to ensure Glide functions correctly as well as a small number of data fields that are stored in a standard fashion within CCH and the responsibilities tab. Responsibilities can be linked to Glide staff allocations at the client level, which in turn can automatically populate the job positions and job holder.

Custom fields can not be included as standard; however, we are familiar with the structure should they require integrating and can provide this service for a small time based fee.

  • Client data:
    • Unique/permanent CCH client identifier (this will then link the clients on the 2 systems)
    • Client code
    • Client name
    • Client type (see notes below)
    • Company number (incorporated clients) - the Glide API connects to the Companies House API to obtain an accurate:
      • Incorporation date
      • .Year End date for the next set of Accounts to be file (we also determine if this is the 1st set since incorporation)
      • Made up date for the next Confirmation Statement to be filed
    • Partner responsible
    • Manager responsible
      • Other positions on the responsibilities tab can be linked too
    • E-mail address
    • Mobile phone number
  • User data:
    • Unique/permanent CCH user identifier (this will then link the users on the 2 systems)
    • User code
    • User name
    • User initials
    • User e-mail address

Note that the CCH system does not provide an open API to enable reliable two way communication, therefore new clients should always be added in CCH (not Glide) and changes to your clients made in CCH, these will then be automatically reflected in Glide.

If you use our Xero integration then new clients and client updates, coming from CCH, will immediately be shared with Xero.

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