How to set a user to Departed.

Users that have been set to Departed can not access the Glide system. You should therefore set users to departed once they leave the business. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Note you need to be a superuser to make these changes.
  2. Click on the menu labelled with your business name. This is the second menu from the left, just left of the workflows menu.
  3. Click on Staff.
  4. Find the staff member you wish to set to departed and click on their name. This will bring you to their profile screen.
  5. Click on the Options tab (down the left side of the profile).
  6. Click the Edit User button towards the bottom of the page. If you do not see this then you may not be a superuser.
  7. Change the status to departed.
  8. Click save user.

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